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Scramble The Seawolves Program

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Scramble The Seawolves Program

Rev. Don Poole
What treasure to have the local PBS stations air the program no less than seven times in the week of Memorial Day....so many people responded with "I never knew!"....I spread the word and the response from fellow Viet Nam vets in my area as well as friends and co-workers was just that....they never knew....
well now they do and our story is being honored with respect and awe.   Thanks to our friends at Arbello and the PBS organization.   My biggest surprise was from family.....they had no idea even while I shared my experiences over the years.     D.Poole AZ2 "Plankowner"  April 67-April 68.
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Re: Scramble The Seawolves Program

michael Dobson
I think there has been "an Awakening" all across America.  An entirely new interest has been directed our way . I'm sure neighbors, friends, relatives, and Fraternal members are seeing a different man now
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Re: Scramble The Seawolves Program

Shannon Arballo
In reply to this post by Rev. Don Poole
Hi there!
Your post just absolutely made our hearts skip a beat!  Mike is right, it truly is an "awakening" across the Country.
I am so proud to share that the feedback, as you stated Don, has been nothing shy of amazing and extremely positive. Mostly in awe at the heart and valor of a Seawolf, the humble beginnings, resolve and dedication to saving lives and saddened of course that your story was never told... until now.  The overwhelming census is THANK YOU for sharing the story of the Seawolves.  

We truly believe that that the best is yet to come!  
We still have a lot of work to do on our part with the States/Markets that have NOT aired Scramble, but we are chipping away at it.  Additionally, we are beginning to market the Public Performing Rights License and as well finalizing the Educational Package for Colleges, Universities, etc., as this entire film is chocked full of teaching moments.  

We want every Seawolf to feel so very proud and for Jeff and I, we feel so grateful to God that He chose us to simply be the messengers of this very special story.


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Re: Scramble The Seawolves Program

Howard Jacobs
Only the southern part of Ohio had it aired... the rest of the state hasn't had the pleasure of seeing one great documentary.  I would guess that there were no reviews about it... I'm not sure if any of our Brothers that live down that way even knew it was going to be on.