Scramble DVD

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Scramble DVD

Jim Joyce
An all time first for me. At the reunion last year I purchased the Scramble the Seawolves DVD and have watched it a few times but not for several months. Nothing on TV this afternoon so popped it in the DVR and nadda. The menu screen pops up, the green arrow with BD-ROM appears, when play is selected the counter begins to count. But the screen is frozen on the menu. Fast forward makes the counter go faster but no movement, no sound. I tried another DVD, the VCR (Blu-Ray) works fine. So I tried Scramble on another DVR I have, same problem. That one also works fine with another DVD.  I tried the "option" function and received an error code when checking viewing history.   I plan to order another copy but before I do, has anyone else had that problem (with any DVD)? Thanks, Jim
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Re: Scramble DVD

Shannon Arballo
Hi there!  
So sorry, I just now saw this.  There was a "glitch" during the mastering of the blu-ray file, unfortunately.  On your remote, you will see directional arrows (up, down, left and right). Right in the middle will be the "select" button.  Press this and it should play right away :)
Sorry for the hassle.  
If you see the Title page with the Huey, you are in good shape and this should work.  Please call us if you have any issues 951-704-5671
Take care,
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Re: Scramble DVD

Jim Joyce
Thank you Shannon. Works like a champ.

I figured it was something simple but (guy thing) I hate to ask for help until I've tried just about everything (except what you suggested). My next thought was to ask if anyone else had the problem before I contacted you. At least now if anyone else does experience it they will know what to do.

Keep up the great work, you guys are "priceless".

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Re: Scramble DVD

Shannon Arballo
Oh, you are so very welcome!  Yes, we have received a few phone calls about this very issue and it's an easy fix, but still a little frustrating.  
We hope that you enjoy the blu-ray version of the film ;).  
Take care,