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kid purington
.. Paul Daiute,

       I recall fly'n cover above the barges as they moved up the SOD river towards their new location.  

       Which brings to mind another time when we covered a boat convoy outa Ca Mau moving upriver carrying supplies and troops to a fire base in the U-Minh forest. I was in the right door rear bird. It was about mid-afternoon, sunny and very hot at our lower altitude. I was staring below at the boat carrying troops when a mine exploded under it lifting it and sending men into the air and water. Fire and smoke below and the adrenaline was pumping in me.. much chaos as the boat drifted and slowly moved towards the beach. We went in low, putting down cover fire when I caught movement , a person running from tree cover was exposed and I ended his day.. ceased gunfire as pilot climbed. I was shaking as I looked down to see bodies floating, boat burning and other convoy boats moving about. I felt real shame.. should have seen mine, my job , protect boats and troops. When we landed to rearm-refuel.. other gunners told me "good kill".. I smile feeling dead many injured and killed.. so helpless I feel.. maybe same-same you with old women.. I still have dreams about that day.. I have dreams of many such days..  Hope you can find your peace Paul.. kid"
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Re: SOD...

Paul C,. Daiute HM3
 Thanks for moving us out of the "Million Vet" Thread! I'm not good about what to do on these sites. I'm sorry for the things you had to do. As I have said I was grateful to know that in Under 20 minutes, I could get a casualty out and knew he would be at the Hospital in the same amount of time. Start two IVs, put extra dressing on, give him a shot of antibiotics  and off they'd go. Or if Charles and Company were coming uninvited to the BBQ, we knew you guys would be there to end their thoughts of a free dinner.
 Kid, we are at home now and we will all find peace.
Thanks again Sea Wolf,
Bac Xe Daiute