Rick Muessner in Hospital ---- Harley going to hospital too

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Rick Muessner in Hospital ---- Harley going to hospital too

Mike Dobson
Rick was in an accident Tuesday in Hartford. He was doing a lane change after going around some construction trucks & while crossing the neutral zone back to the HOV lane hit a "grand Canyon" hole in the road that took him off the bike at highway speed. Injuries are broken elbow, broken fingers left hand, broken foot, broken ribs, and a blood spot on the brain ...... I talked with him tonight, and he sounds good, but with the time he will be spending at a live-in physical therapy site, it will be at least a month before he gets home . The cop says "cosmetic" damage to the bike .   I did ask him, with a broken elbow on the right arm , and broken fingers on the left, does that present a problem?  his response was that he has already made sure he can get the elbow out of the sling ---------  get well Rick !
Mike Dobson (ROH)
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Re: Rick Muessner in Hospital ---- Harley going to hospital too

Howard Jacobs ROH
Sounds like you took one heck of a tumble my Brother!  There's no doubt in my mind that you will be back on that bike in no time.  Hang in there.. have a good rehab... and I'll see you in San Diego.  
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Re: Rick Muessner in Hospital ---- Harley going to hospital too

kid purington
In reply to this post by Mike Dobson
                             ...Best to yah Rick...

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Re: Rick Muessner in Hospital ---- Harley going to hospital too

Mike Dobson
Rick is on the right, "ugly on an Ape" is on the left
Mike Dobson (ROH)
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Re: Rick Muessner in Hospital ---- Harley going to hospital too

Both still good and still smilling. Get better soon Rick, get back on that bike soon.
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Re: Rick Muessner in Hospital ---- Harley going to hospital too

Mike Dobson
Rick is out of the hospital. being a typical Seawolf, he is making things work and is moving towards recovery. Services for his Harley are pending --- she didn't make it. A trooper's idea of superficial damage was a death warrant to the insurance agent .  RIP "Harlett"    get well Rick !
Mike Dobson (ROH)
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Re: Rick Muessner in Hospital ---- Harley going to hospital too

Rick Meussner
Hey Mike, (et al),

Thanks for keeping tabs on me.

I went to the Harley Dealer yesterday to give my bike last rites. I'll miss her.

I went to the VA yesterday and saw my primary care Doc. He looked at me as I was walking toward him and said, "You're one tough S.O.B., I expected to see you in a wheelchair."  I  initially took it as a compliment, but then, I remembered he'd been Air Force.......

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Re: Rick Muessner in Hospital ---- Harley going to hospital too

Howard Jacobs ROH
Rick.... love the air force comment... made me chuckle this early a.m......glad to see you are up and moving about. Too bad about the bike... I'll say a prayer...  Now you will have a fresh start with a new bike.  See you in  Dallas next spring or San Diego in '18.
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Re: Rick Muessner in Hospital ---- Harley going to hospital too

kid purington
In reply to this post by Rick Meussner
..Thanks for posting Rick...and I recall ask'n you one time about a "trike", hah, not going there brother..Keep on the sunny side amigo...;    
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Re: Rick Muessner in Hospital ---- Harley going to hospital too

Mike Dobson
hey Rick, pull the pipes off that baby if they are still in any shape ----- my Electra still runs crappy after "Chicken Joe" put on his show for us . ------ maybe your pipes will make her run right again
Mike Dobson (ROH)