Reunion "Overflow Hotel" Info for Hyatt Place Correction

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Reunion "Overflow Hotel" Info for Hyatt Place Correction

Gary & Barb Ely
The phone number for the Hyatt Place is incorrect in the Overflow Hotel Info for the Reunion.  It should be (972) 691-1199.  Also, the hotel provided the wrong link for making reservations.  Doing my own research, here is the correct link    In the reservation window after putting in the dates...make sure you click on "Special Rates"; that will bring you to a separate window where you will put in our Group Code of G-SEAW in the box "Corporate or Group Code"  The room rate of $109 will pop up.  

Sorry for the confusion..should have checked this out and made sure things worked before putting it out. Thanks for understanding...hope everyone has a great weekend.  Call me with any questions.
Barb Ely (619) 838-0985