Return (PSA)

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Return (PSA)

Gene sjoberg
  After almost 3yrs from last treatment for Prostate Cancer my numbers are on the rise.  Next will be HOREMONE therapy again.  Mood swings,Hot flashes,Night sweats,Water rentention.  Alas Women call it MENAPAUSE>  I forgot the Hair loss and Breast growth.  My voice did not go up last time.  Glad it is not Contagious..
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Re: Return (PSA)

Michael La Bella (ROH)
Gene I am so sorry, we are all behind you in this,,, and don't be afraid to vent on here during the process we all have to stick together, we have a brotherhood, no other time or place has seen, what really gripes me, they just want to treat this with chemo and radiation why in the hell did they not remove it after remission.  they go by the blood numbers,, and I am just upset,i don't like to see any of my brothers getting sick,,, we will get through this,
You've never lived until you almost died, for those who fight for it
freedom has a flavor the protected will never Know!
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Re: Return (PSA)

Howard Jacobs
In reply to this post by Gene sjoberg
Gene... nothing but good thoughts and Prayers going out to you my Brother.  If you don't mind me asking what kind of PSA numbers did you have?  I've had 3 Biopsy's  done so far and my number has risen a little bit too.  They found one cell out of the 12 or 13 parts of that little walnut, peanut or whatever shape it is, that's border line... not good but not bad enough for any type of treatment... just the regular PSA blood work.  If I have to have anything done I'm not sure I will have the VA do it.. I do have a claim in since the 70's I think.
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Re: Return (PSA)

Gene sjoberg
In reply to this post by Michael La Bella (ROH)
   By the time I got to see a really good Surgeon the Cancer had spread to my abdominal Lymph-Nodes,therefore no surgery could be done so just Radiation(8 1/2 wks @5 days a wk.) Followed by Horemone therapy.  Howard. its not just PSA numbers that determine the action.  Its how quick they rise from a low number to higher ones also your Testosterone levels as Prostate Cancer feeds on it.

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Re: Return (PSA)

kid purington

..Gene, prayer said,..wish best, from hormone therapy you are start'n.(you forgot the W, but understood, i think)...well a guy (me) wants to say stuff to keep your spirits up and wants yah to heal healthy quickly, without grow'n breast, at your age what the hell do yah do with them.?...maybe you might get onto the cover of that "roll'n stoned magazine"...Dobbie could take a picture for you, he has won sum contest sumplace, this could really be a boost for the two of yah my friend...and the hair, well you got them thar horses, could probably glue sum of that horsehair shit on the ole noggun, yup, "rolling stoney" mag folk will be hammer'n down the door, you might become a "sex" celeb..i like to read about them when i stand in the check-out line behind the slowest sweet ole lady i always seem to get stuck in back of. (notice, i did not say behind here)..and of course you most likely will have to knock off the "rodeo-sex"..but then at your age what good is an "anchor clanker" anywho....wish i could throw more helpful crap your way Chief,..maybe summ'n will come to me when i don't know it, you no how that works.?...well keep post'n and again, prayers Gene...
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Re: Return (PSA)

Gene, you are in Sharon's and my prayers.

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Re: Return (PSA)

Gene sjoberg
In reply to this post by kid purington
   Everything is progressing just as my Oncologist said it would,so no surprises.  I will die (With)Prostate Cancer not because of it !!Just saying Also probably not from A jealous Husband either..Love all you WOLVES out there.STUBBYONEKANOBIE HAAAA.
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Re: Return (PSA)

Howard Jacobs
In reply to this post by Gene sjoberg
Thanks for the additional info Gene... I've never been told that part of it.  Thought's and Prayers are with you my Brother.