Red helmet

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Red helmet

kid purington
   I have an idea who the gunner might have been in this pic .. do you.?

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Re: Red helmet

Jim Plona
Well it's Red on La Puta.  And who were the Seawolves at the back of 315?
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Re: Red helmet

kid purington
     Maybe Pap or Tip , Bill.?  before my time, before 6 moved ashore to SOD .. soo" really aye don't
    know , still , I agree that's Red in the door, Craig in left.? black helmet

     You were probably there when this photo was taken ... are you in the net.?

      LST 846 USS Jennings County
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Re: Red helmet

kid purington

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Re: Red helmet

P. Albertine
yards and yards of extra space...   always amazed at how much space available for landing / takeoff on the LST's v a YRBM...    burnt my hand several time grabbing the pito (sp?) tube trying to get around the front of the aircraft while not falling into the net....   and hanging out over the 'Last Chance Saloon" to grease the 90 gearbox...   and the most pucker factor move, watching the exhaust temp climb on a hot sultry night op, and pilot backing up to get that extra 4 foot of deck space for a successful lift....   year later crewing CH53 in HM-12 landing on USS Vancouver, looking down at the acres of deck space and the power of the 53 was like...   flying first class
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Re: Red helmet

kid purington
          I never berth'd on a YRBM.. spent my Nam tours on land, four different base locations and LST's, at least three that I recall.. always enjoyed the crew, sailors that I met on them.. Well I came across these photo's, and yah, I see what you mean about tight quarters.

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Re: Red helmet

Michael La Bella (ROH)
In reply to this post by Jim Plona
He was our 50 guy on det 3 in 69-70 but dont have his name.,

that is, left to right , Cmdr Lee, the red cover is the one you are talking about next one?, Me.and the last one was the airman we had on there, Green?
You've never lived until you almost died, for those who fight for it
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Re: Red helmet

Michael La Bella (ROH)
In reply to this post by Jim Plona
i was one of the gunners in 315 when she went into the drinkin we go

after the fact
You've never lived until you almost died, for those who fight for it
freedom has a flavor the protected will never Know!
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Re: Red helmet

kid purington
      Flying over the Gulf of Siam , 1970-71 , I was right door rear Bird , lead Bird approx two o'clock position
 when a large puff of black smoke excited the exhaust , the Bird dropped , autorotating into the sea. Such a
 helpless feeling to sit and watch .. Glad you made it Mike.    (pucker factor 100%) wet too..