Red-Neck Security Installation

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Red-Neck Security Installation

Gene sjoberg
   1. Get one pair worn Work boots,size 14-16 from Goodwill.                                                                                                                                                2.Place them on your front porch.along with a copy of Guns and Ammo magazine.                                                                                                                                               3.  Place 4 large Dog Food dishes next to the boots and magazine.                                                                                                                                               4. Print note and duct tape it to front door.  Note should say,"Me and Marcel,Donnie-Ray and Jimmy Earl went to get more Ammo and back soon.  Don't  mess with the Pit-Bulls,they got the Mail Man this morning and messed him up pretty bad.  I don't think Killer took part but is hard to tell because of so much blood.  Anyway I locked them all in the house.  Better wait outside till we are all there.                         Cooter
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Re: Red-Neck Security Installation

Mike McNaull, SW-81
Now your talking where I live in West "by God" Virginia.