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Received word another Seawolf (DAT) 7/2/2017

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Received word another Seawolf (DAT) 7/2/2017

Dan Arnes
Received an email from Seawolf Mike McNaull today:

I don't know if I missed this on the HA(L)-3 site but through a HS-7 we[b] site page the following was posted today:
"I also want to pass along some news about Lt.Bob Sprosty's death to those who knew him. [Deleted] He died in July, in Arlington, Texas.  He had Parkinson's."
When I got back from HA(L)-3 and went to HS-7, Bob was in the squadron.  He didn't say much about his time there as we had a bunch show up around the same time together - Mike Brinck, Mike Lagow, Jack Ludwig, Jim Curtis plus some others.  He got out of the Navy when his tour was up.

Mike McNaull
SW-81 Sept 69 - Sept70

Seawolf Robert Allan Sprosty, LT, Det's 7 & 3, 5/29/1968 to 6/1/1969.
Also found on Ancestry:
----------------Robert A Sprosty in the Vietnam War, Awards and Decorations of Honor, 1965-1972
Name: Robert A Sprosty  
Date Recommended Award Received: 17 Aug 1969
Date Award Forwarded: 20 Oct 1969
Service/Country: U.S. Navy
Command/Staff: IV Corps
Recommended Award: Army Commendation Medal (Achievement)
Location Award Presented: Award Presented in Republic of Vietnam [South Vietnam] (RVN)
Posthumous: Award presented while Living

Bob's Obituary

private family memorial service at a later date.

We now have 618 confirmed DAT (Died After Tour), (24.18%).
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Re: Received word another Seawolf (DAT) 7/2/2017

Dan Arnes
Another link for Bob Sprosty from Mike McNaull:

Michael J Fox Org Tribute