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ROH Nominees

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ROH Nominees

Craig Jones
SEAWOLVES - SEAWOLVES - SEAWOLVES.  This message is for ALL SEAWOLF GUNNERS (and Pilots as it applies).  Why are so many of you telling everyone "I don't deserve to get put in for the ROH".  I know for a fact that there are many of you out there that qualify.  You say "I lost my flight records".  No Sweat in most cases.  With witness statements and comparing flight records of other gunners that flew with you during most of the same time period, we can construct a pretty accurate estimate of your number of combat missions/flight hours using your time on DET for computation, etc.  We have quite a few gunners now that have sent in their nomination forms lately and didn't have their flight records.  Let us know who you flew with and if you cannot contact them, we will try to do it for you.  If you have your Air Medal citations/DFC, Purple Heart, they would help, but if not, give me a call and we can help.  STOP SAYING "I DON'T DESERVE IT".  SEAWOLF PILOTS, PLEASE PLEASE nominate your door gunners.  MANY of our pilots have stepped up and done so and I thank you.  We are working on getting those packets complete and will be working with the gunners to come up with the required documentation.  Even if you know they have died after tour, please submit a nomination for them unless they have already been inducted.  Don't forget we will need a writeup from you concerning any firefighters you can remember and any details you can remember during those times.   I realize how difficult this last task can be for most of us. We are willing to work with you one-on-one to help you get your story out.
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Re: ROH Nominees

Morrie Steen
Who do we address the ROH nomination to and what is the address we send it to?


Morrie Steen
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Re: ROH Nominees

Craig Jones
  Dear Mr. steen,
Thank you sir for your request for information.   You don't know how much We appreciate you stepping up to the plate on this.   Pilots can nominate their gunners and also gunners may nominate other gunners.   additionally, family members of Seawolf gunners may nominate there Seawolf gunner, even if they have already passed on/died after tour (DAT).   Also, don't forget that you may nominate Navy, Marine Corp or Coast Guard aerial gunners from World War II or Korea erra that were aerial gunners that flew missions in various types of aircraft or even Iraqie freedom or enduring freedom Afghanistan etc.   we have a Seawolf gunner that is currently nominating his father, if I remember correctly, from World War II. His story is quite touching and we were very happy to receive  Notification that he was intending to do so. Anyway, thank you again sir.   My  name is Craig Jones and my contact phone number is:  580 732-0660 if you have further questions.   I am the current president/coordinator of/for the ROH.

If by regular mail, FedEx or UPS, Please address it to:

716 Sherman
Alva, Ok

If by email (preferred):  combataircrewroh@gmail.com

If you have not already done so you may download the requirements document and the nomination form from https://combataircrewroh.com, select the  induction requirements and application tab,  then download either the PDF version or the word version of the requirements document and the nomination form, your chores.   We will then begin working on acquiring the required documentation and statements. Can you tell me the individuals name that you will be nominating at this point or would you prefer to wait until I receive the form?
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Re: ROH Nominees

Morrie Steen
Thanks Mr. Jones. Appreciate your quick reply.