I know we have lost some of our Brothers because of this type of cancer and I know we have several that are receiving treatment to help fight this disease. I was wondering what type of surgery and treatment have some of you have gone through. Was this care from the VA or an outside doctor? Just curious on the pro's and con's of what choices are out there.
For myself Howard...Surgery..Portland OR. VA Hospital...Jan 13, 2009...due to aggressive cancer , my primary doc and cancer doc both talked of immediate surgery...It's a longer story...end result I have had no PSA reports other than "normal" since....Others I have talked with have done radiation pellets, etc:...
I was told by the doc my cancer was due to AO exposure , go figure, being as Phu Loi was where the Army keap and stored it...Also this was confirmed by a doc who studied AO in the Nam and high risk areas and reported at Phu Loi we breathed it,walked on it , ingested etc:....Bear also was at Phu Loi and passed due to his aggressive cancer... We live on the razor's edge and I will most likely have it arise with-in me again and be gone....Take care Wolves....d-kid...
Thanks Kid.... I've had 4 biopsy's since the mid 90's I believe. I have one cell that was border line.... no cancer but not that good and no treatment for it... just watch it. My PSA has been going up gradually and 6 months ago the VA doc said all they could do at that time is the digital exam to see if it was enlarged but that would be it. They could do any other test due to the blood thinners I'm on for the A-fib. The doc said to come back in 6 months after the heart issue was taken care of. So at the end of this month I'll see what they say at the hospital.. just curious what treatment some of you have been going for.
Heard a lot of good things about Proton Radiation. About 12 centers around the U.S. From what I understand it's like coloring between the lines which causes a lot less damage to surrounding areas.
I was diagnosed with a very small area in one part of my prostrate. The original doctor immediately referred me to a oncologist who wanted to start radiation. My girlfriend talked me into a second opinion and I am glad I listened. I went to a specialist at Mount Sinai Hospital New York City who recommended what they call, Watch and Wait. He said that in my case the area was so small the radiation would be over kill. He pointed out that if he did a biopsy on ah hundred men my age,67, at the time,about 40 percent would probably have what I have. So I strongly recommend a second opinion.
Good luck.
Michael Walsh
Ving Long 1967
Originally my PSA score doubled in a six month period, Got referred to a Uroloigist by that time 6wks and a biopsy the score had tripled, the Urologist said for me to schedule a consult with a Robotic Surgeon got to see him in three wks. By that time score had quadrupled.. Ran a whole day of tests and scans doc said good news and bad news. Cancer had spread to Lymphnodes in Abdomen(bad0 but no other place(good) Started Hormone therapy that day then Directed Radiation for 5 days a week for eight and a half wks. Hormone therapy continued for three months. After almost 4 yrs since lst treatment PSA is at 0.. 52 if it gets to 4.0 I will start Horemone therapy again. The side effects are just like female Menopause. coupled with body hair loss including beard. terrible