Platform Committee

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Platform Committee

Roger Ek, Seawolf 25
In Maine, each county designates one person to represent the county as our party drafts a platform for the coming election season. Just one person from each county is so designated. Tim Russell is a Seawolf Plankowner from the coast of Maine. He and I represent our respective counties. He has seen my name in various places and knows I'm a Seawolf so we had a mini-reunion at the state platform committee meeting last Thursday night. Out of about 400,000 people, two of the 16 leaders are Seawolves. Not really a surprise when you think about it.
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Re: Platform Committee

Michael La Bella (ROH)
haha, we got scramble situations all over the place,,, you two make us prouder than we already are.
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Re: Platform Committee

steve donnell
Way to go Mr. Ek!!!