Plank Owner Seawolf Found our Website! (Edited for correct Photo)

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Plank Owner Seawolf Found our Website! (Edited for correct Photo)

Dan Arnes
This post was updated on .

**** Spoke with Plank Owner Seawolf Michael J. WALSH, AMS3, Det 3 Maintenance, 5/13/1967 to 12/7/1967. He found our website and called us. Could never find him, turns out he only has a cell phone and on top of that he is a “snowbird” back and forth between Staten Island, NY and Florida. Says will try to make Dallas Reunion if he can, will be in Vegas until Sept 3rd and has to check cancelling his return tickets to NY, etc. He will contact Gary if he can swing it.
Said he found a photo of himself on the Det 3 photos:
Seawolf Michael J. Walsh

He's the blond guy on the left...


Discovered we no longer have contact with 4 HC-1 Det Seawolves, added to number to be found:
~~~429 Seawolves still to be found, including 36 Plank Owners and some Original Army Sea Wolves.

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Re: Plank Owner Seawolf Found our Website! (Edited for correct Photo)

Howard Jacobs
Dan... I've lost contact with Tom Greenlee's wife.  I've sent emails and haven't had a return in a long time.  Last I heard was that Tom was in a nursing home in Richmond... just thought I would let you know.

Keep up the good work and I'll see you in Dallas.... been a long time my Brother!