Padres Ball Game 3June19

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Padres Ball Game 3June19

Joe Crutcher
The Seawolves just got offered some tickets to the Padres Baseball game on this Sunday 3 June 19 at Petco park in San Diego from the Honor Flight Society of San Diego. There are 6 tickets available. Each ticket also allows one guest. So is there 6 Seawolves out there that would like to attend?  This is a special occasion day, meaning  they will be Honoring between 80-100 WW11 veterans and San Diego Normandy survivor Joe Reilly will be throwing out the first pitch. The Leap Frogs will also be parachuting into the stadium. Ceremony begins about 115pm. I will have tickets at the gate for those attending.I am honored they invited us. If you would like to go just email me ( or call my cell ( 858-524-9917). Tickets I hope will go fast so please let me know. If I do not get enough takers , I will make some local phone calls to try to use the tickets that were offered.  Hope you can go !!  Joe Crutcher
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Re: Padres Ball Game 3June19

Mark McGregor
Marilyn and I plan to be there, Joe. Which gate?
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Re: Padres Ball Game 3June19

Joe Crutcher
I will be at the green ticket trolley mgate. I will be riding down fro Qualcomm stadium. I should be there around 1:00 or close to that.