Pacifica Homecoming 12/11/2019

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Pacifica Homecoming 12/11/2019

Joe Crutcher
Good Evening Seawolves and Families, Another year has rapidly passed and the passing year has brought us our annual Pacifica Christian High Homecoming event which will be on Saturday 11January 2019 in Santa Monica , Ca,( about a month away), This will be our 7th consecutive Homecoming that we have been invited to and  attended. I can tell you that the recognition that Pacifica extends to the Seawolves ,our Fallen and our Families deeply Honors us.
Our relationship started 7 years ago and Pacifica has certainly
become a treasured part of our Seawolf Family. As a matter of fact , if you do not know , they actually are in our documentary, " Scramble the Seawolves". Would you say       " We're pretty close "? Remarkable !!
The School would love to make this the biggest Homecoming to date. We will be sending this invite out to all the Seawolves in hopes that lots can make it.
We also understand that California is all the way across the country and so many who would like to attend  with us will not be able to because of this obstacle. We understand the difficulty this presents so you can rest assured we will represent all the Seawolves ( even those that cannot make it) and to those that can attend please feel free to bring guests as well. They also are certainly welcome.
In case you do not know, the School will host a Luncheon and a get together with the Teachers , Staff  ,Students , Parents and the Seawolves.beginning at 11:00 am and ending about 100 pm.
After that we go to Culver City High School ( which is a short distance away) and attend boys and girls soccer games and then the Pacifica girls basketball game begins at 5:00 pm and after that the Boys Varsity Homecoming Game at 7:00 pm. The crowning of the King and Queen happens and
the Seawolves are brought down to center court and recognized for their Service.
It has always been a memorable and wonderful night for all.
We hope you can find a way to come to the Homecoming Day and if you can we will have a great day together.

The address is ---Pacifica Christian High School
                            1730 Wilshire Blvd
                            Santa Monica Ca 90403
                            Saturday , January 11th ,2019 at 11:00 am

They will direct us to Culver City High School for afternoon activites. They are not far away from Pacifica.

The School would like to get a " Head count " , so please respond to my email as soon as you can so we can inform the school.
Contact me or notify me at .  call or text 1-858 -524-9917 cell.
You may also call or text : Jack Watkinson
                                           Pacifica High
I thank you for tolerating this long email and we certainly hope you can attend with us and also please help us spread the word.

Thanks Again Everyone,
Joe Crutcher
President -- Seawolf Association