Good Morning Seawolves and I want to say Happy New Year to you and your families. Myself and my family
hope and wish that this year will be a good and happy one for all.
Now that I have wished everyone well . I am also writing to let everyone know we have again been invited to attend the Pacifica Christian High School ( THE SEAWOLVES) Homecoming festivities in Santa Monica Ca on Saturday 9Jan 15.
This year the school will be providing a luncheon for all that can attend. The luncheon will be from 11:00am till 1:00pm.
This year Seawolf Tom Phillips will be presenting a brief history of our Squadron to some of the teachers , students and parents during the luncheon. All Seawolves are recognized and introduced as well.
The School is really looking forward having us there. They simply say the more Seawolves there , the better , so if there is anyway for you to make it , the welcome mat is out to all. Families are also welcome to attend , so bring them along for the day if you like.
. I am confident it will be an event to remember.
I am going to attach the schedule of events to this message.
The Luncheon at 11:00 am will be at Pacifica Christian High School in Santa Monica. After our luncheon we will then go to Culver City High School in Culver City , which is real close to Santa Monica , for the afternoon atheletic competions.
The games start at 2:30 pm and will end with the Homecoming game at 7:30 pm.
Coach Kelsey told me the school will be brining the Seawolves down to center court for introductions to eveyone at the Homecoming Game. He did that once before and the respect they have for us is overwhelming. They are a part of our extended family and are very proud to represent our squadron.
I could ramble on I guess , but let me attach the schedule and not take more of your time.
Pacifica Christian Homecoming
Pacifica Christian High School - Luncheon 11:00am - Teachers - Students - Parents- Seawolves
1730 Wilshire Blvd
Santa Monica Ca. 90403
Atheletic events at Culver City High School
4401 Elenda St
Culver City, 9023
Girls' soccer 2:30
Alumni volleyball game 3:15
Alumni basketball game 4:00
Boys' soccer 4:30
Girls' basketball 5:30
Boys' basketball 7:30 -- Homecoming -King & Queen - Seawolves
Certainly hope you can attend and if you can , we will see you there.
Sincerely and again I will say , have a great year Brothers!
Feel free to call , email or text me if you have questions ,
If you think you may attend , let me know and I will pass that info on to the School
With Respect for all , I say Thanks Seawolves,
Joe Crutcher
San Diego CA,