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Pacifica Chritian High School - Seawolf Recognition

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Pacifica Chritian High School - Seawolf Recognition

Joe Crutcher
Pacifica High has adopted a Seawolf as thier Atheletic Mascot. The have also recognized us on thier website ( PacificaChristian.org.) Click on atheletics and then click on Seawolf. I believe Craig Jones and Mike Dobson has had previous contact with the school I know they carry thier Seawolf Flag to thier Games.
They would like to recognize our service and our Squadron , at thier biggest event of the year.
All has been invited to attend , so if there is any way you can go, the welcome mat is out for us.
Just let me know, and I will pass the word to the school.
There are currently about 8 Seawolves going.
Should be a great event , Hope to see you if possible!!

Event - Jan 11   , 2014
Pacifica Christian High School
1730 Wilshire Blvd
Santa Monica CA ( LA ) 90403

To my Seawolf Brothers,
Joe Crutcher
Seawolf 67-58

Here is a copy of the invitation:

Sorry, to just get back to you. Been absolutely overwhelmed with work here.
I coach basketball as well as being aqn administrator and easily get overwhelmed with work.
But I wanted to invite you to our homecoming game on January 11. We don't have football, so our homcoming is during basketball season.
If you could drag the rest of the Seawolves that are down in San Diego, and bring them up, we would be thrilled.
Homecoming is our big event of the year. For a small school, we try to get a lot of people out to our homecoming games. We have a girls basketball game at 5:30 and our boys game at 7:30.
The crowning of the homecoming king and queen is between the games.
We would love to honor you guys during the boys' game.
We have an In and Out truck that comes and we try to put on a pretty big event. I would hook you guys up with food and get you into the game for free.
tell me what you think.


Kevin E. Kelsey
Athletic Director
Pacifica Christian High
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Re: Pacifica Chritian High School - Seawolf Recognition

Bill Rutledge
Joe, great job,  i will be ready and waiting when you head up , thanks bill
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Re: Pacifica Chritian High School - Seawolf Recognition

Mike Dobson
In reply to this post by Joe Crutcher
Joe, add one more to the list to attend the game --- I'll be landing in Sandy Eggo on Friday !!  Looking forward to seeing everyone !
Mike Dobson (ROH)
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Re: Pacifica Chritian High School - Seawolf Recognition

Joe Crutcher
In reply to this post by Joe Crutcher
Mike -- Absolutely great that you can make it to this event. I will certainly pass it on to the school.
I cannot figure out how to respond directly to you via a reply here , so could you e-mail your e-mail and I will up-date for you.
You may also give me a call on my cell 951-552-4261.

Joe Crutcher
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Re: Pacifica Chritian High School - Seawolf Recognition

kid purington
..Dobbie,...safe journey...you do us all, proud....tanks
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Re: Pacifica Chritian High School - Seawolf Recognition

kid purington
..a great big Seawolf.. HOOOWL.!!....to all wolves who are going to this event...BRAVO ZULU.!!
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Re: Pacifica Chritian High School - Seawolf Recognition

Joe Crutcher
In reply to this post by Joe Crutcher
Myself and seven other Seawolves , Mike Dobson , Gary Ely , Clarence Green , Art Ibarra , Walt Frazier , Mike Madrid and Bill Rutledge attended the Homecoming festivities for Pacifica Christian High last night.
Our unit and all of you Seawoves were recognized so incredibly well , I don't know if my writing can even come close to explaining how remarkable the night was for us.
When the athletic director , Coach Kelsey brought us down to center court to recognize us and our squadron , it became a very proud moment for all of us and as comments later revaled ,  somewhat emotional.
Through his introduction of us and his explaining how the school chose to be named the Seawolves , it became abundantly clear that a connection had been made between the Seawolves and the School that we can all be proud of.
I know others will report on the events of the night , so I will just say a couple more things.
The school chose the Seawolves  not only because of your courage , sacrifice and devotion to duty but also the remarkable accomplishments amassed by HAL-3.
Coach explained that when the Seawolf athletic teams compete , they are representing us and they are very proud to do it.
One thing that we can be most honored by , is that , the schools seawolf Mascot attends the competitions and not only represents us , but does it primarily in memory of our 44 fallen brothers. Doesn't get much better than that .
I personally felt a sense of Love and Respect from everyone at the event. I wish all of you could of attended with us. The Seawolf recognition was monumental. I wish we all could re-live the events often .
There was no mistaking that we were there because the school seriously wanted us there..
I want to thank all the Seawolves that were able to attend and I know this was a night they will always remember.
This is only the beginning of a relational ship , with  Pacifica Christian High that we can all be very proud of
Follow the school and thier activities through thier website at PacificaChristian.org.
Feel free to e-mail the coach anytime. His name is Kevin Kelsey. E-mail address is on the school website.
Loves to hear from Seawolves.He is also thier Athletic director.
The connection between us has been made and I feel they will , forever more ,  be apart of our Seawolf family.
Looking forward to having more contact with them ,
I am sure others are going to comment on the event., so with that thought , I will simply close by saying , WHAT A NIGHT FOR THE SEAWOLVES and PACIFICA CHRISTIAN HIGH !!!

Brothers Forever.
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Re: Pacifica Chritian High School - Seawolf Recognition

Bill Rutledge
I echo eveything Joe has posted about being with the Pacifica Seawolves, thanks to joe for setting this up.I have been honored many times but yesterday was the ultimate in Honor for all Seawolves, it was soooo emotional. My arm is worn out from being thanks with handshake by coaches students, staff, teachers , and parents,  when we were called out on the center of the gym and out heroic actions were read by Coach Kelsey to a standing Ovation by an overflowing standing room only attendees, at a standing ovation from the Pacifica crowd and the opposing teams attendees each of us Seawolves were called to step out . we responded  with Salutes to the Pacifica seawolves and then turned and saluted the other teams crowd who were also standing and acknowledging us. several SW had family members there and joe had his son in law and daughter who are prof. film makers shooting the whole thing, Video will made after editing,
And our Seawolves played 2 soccer games , and 2 basket ball game one each girl and boys We WON ALL 4    The Boys basket ball was close at the end and of course we seawolves were doing the Sw wave in the stands every time we scored, Oh yes they Seawolves Mascot is named Salty
Many presentations were made , i will let others cover that,
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Re: Pacifica Chritian High School - Seawolf Recognition

Mike Dobson
In reply to this post by Joe Crutcher
s oe and Bill said, it was a great event. I was very impressed with the maturity of all students we met & one student met had just been accepted to the Naval Academy ---- wouldn't you know it, he was also named KING at the halftime ceremonies !!   and emotional event for sure --- our teams went 4 for 4 --- all wins !!  at least one girl played soccer, and then was again on the floor as a BB player !!    I want to again thank oe and Coach Kevin for the fantastic coordination that it took to make it "HAPPEN" ......  I was pleased to again meet new wolves and stand by their sides. As the ceremony proceeded all could feel the emotion flow --- damn sand anyway --- even 2 miles in from the beach !!  BZ all for a great event !  
Mike Dobson (ROH)
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Re: Pacifica Chritian High School - Seawolf Recognition

Mike Dobson
My "J" key is screwing up, and I didn't proof read ----- Joe ----- great Job Brother !!!!!
Mike Dobson (ROH)