Pacifica Christian Seawolves Basketball Article 7 Mar 14

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Pacifica Christian Seawolves Basketball Article 7 Mar 14

Joe Crutcher

I wanted to pass along this E-mail I got from Coach Kelsey . An article about thier season.
I will be looking forward to next season . They again , will be playing for us and I will surely be rooting for them. Go to this link , guys!!

Nice article on the team. Got in a reference to you guys.
I posted this on the HA (L) Seawolf page, but wasn't sure if you saw it


Kevin E. Kelsey
Athletic Director
Pacifica Christian High

In Brothehood ,
Joe Crutcher
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Re: Pacifica Christian Seawolves Basketball Article 7 Mar 14

Been really busy with my move and other stuff Joe, but I have followed this from day one.  We are so proud of the coach and his team as well as our brother Seawolves who attended.