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Pacifica Christian High School SEAWOLVES

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Pacifica Christian High School SEAWOLVES

Students, faculty, and families proudly honored the Seawolves January 9, 2016. So many signs of gratitude for our Veterans!  Thank you, Seawolf Brotherhood. Jayna Z
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Re: Pacifica Christian High School SEAWOLVES

Joe Crutcher
I just want to follow up Zachs and Zanas comments and pictures they posted of the homecoming event.
First I want to again Thank Coach Kevin Kelsey , the faculty and all the students for not only inviting us , but for making it another most memorable night for the HAL-3 Seawolves. They truly Honor us with their continued recognition of our Squadron. They are certainly genuine with their love and appreciation of us. I wish more Seawolves could have been there to experience the day. Maybe next year more will be able to attend.
Now that I have thanked the school , let me say Thank You to the Seawolves and their wives that were able to be there. I am so proud to stand with all of you. Hope we can do it again.
 In attendance ,to proudly represent our Squadron, was  Art Ibarra , Tom Phillips , Zach  Zachary and wife Zana, Bill Summers and wife Suzi , myself and wife Jeannie.  I know everyone had a really great day.
What an Honor it was for us to receive the recognition they gave , not only to us, but to all of you and our Squadron.
I am so proud to have been a part of Pacificas Special Festivities , along with a few of my Seawolf Brothers and some of their wives..I know they are just as proud as well.
Our day began with the luncheon at 11:00 am. at Pacifica High School in Santa Monica Ca.
The school had Teachers, Parents and some students there. A few spoke  on behalf of the school ,sharing personal thoughts while highlighting our growing relationship with each other
Seawolf Tom Phillips gave a great slide presentation on the history of our Squadron. It was thorough , a really good explanation as to how we began and how we developed as a squadron. He talked obout our mission and accomplishments. The school was thrilled with Toms' presentation and they are learning so much about us. Of course we had time for a question and answer  session after Tom got done. Everyone participated in the Question and answer session. We seem to learn alot during these talks. Everyone benefits.
After the luncheon at Pacifica we took off to the afternoon athletic events at Culver City High School in Culver City Ca. That is a town very close to Santa Monica. It was a short distance and there was 2 Soccer games and The Girls Varsity game scheduled for that afternoon. The Homecoming game would be played at 7:30 pm and it would be the Boys Varsity Basketball Team.
Let me just tell you that the afternoon events were won by our Pacifica Seawolf teams. The girls soccer game , the boys soccer game and the Girls Varsity basketball game which started at 5:30pm.
Now that Girls game certainly could have went either way , a real nail biter. Kept you on the edge of your seat. First were up , then were down. lead kept changing. Finally with a few seconds remaing we went up by 1 point and that is how it finished , with the girls being victorious. A lot was going on , so I hope my memory is accurate. The win is for sure. My memory is good on that.
Now for the Homecoming game .. Boys Varsity Basketball.  Game started at 7:30 but before the game, Pacific introduced the King and Queen and their court. After their introduction Coach Kelsey brough the Seawolves down to center court and introduced us to everyone. He spoke briefly about our Squadron and our accomplishments. Quite a moving experiece. We become more like family all the time.
One of our Students sang the National Anthem , we saluted the other team then went to shake hands with our Pacifica Seawolves , wished them victory and now it was game on!
I thought the girls game was stressful , but our Boys homecoming game was even a bigger nail biter. I think the differnce was the number of lead changes. No one ran away with thev game , other than when it started we got behind , I think by 6 points. We caught that up pretty quick and the score stayed pretty close the rest of the game but the lead would change quite often.
Like I said , we were up and down and time was running out . It truely could have been anyones game.
With very little time ( I think about 2 minutes ) we were behind 54 to 56. As fate would have it our Team slammed in a 2 pointer. Now that tightened things up. Score now 56 to 56. Myself and the other guys and our wives are hooting and holloring. COME ON SEAWOLVES!! The other team inbounds the ball and comes up the court , tries to score , takes their shot and misses. The Seawolves get the ball back goes down court and hits a basket with , I believe less than a minute left. Score now 58to56 we are ahead.
The other team now gets the ball back and again misses their shot and we rebound the ball from a much taller team. Our Seawolves have the ball with time running out and the other team fouls one of our players.
The Ref sends our Player to the foul line to shoot  a  foul shot. He hits one and scores one point. Score now 59 to 56.  We are ahead by 3 points with 1.9 seconds left. Just enough time for the other team to get the ball in and try to score a 3 point shot.The other team throws the ball in and  brings it up court , takes the shot and misses. Seawolves rebound , time runs out and Seawolves win their Homecoming game.
I tried to recall these events as best as I could remember. I think the details  are pretty close to being accurate and I went into detail to try to give you a sense of the excitment we were feeling that night. Fact remains we did win the game.  Thats accurate. What a Game.
Pacifica Had a great Homecoming with winning all 4 of their athletic games. Couldn't be better.
I am looking forward to attending next year along with any other Seawolves that can attend.
I will again inform everyone as I find out when the school schedules their event next year.
Thanks for ROOTIN for the SEAWOLVES !!

Take Care Brothers
Joe Crutcher

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Re: Pacifica Christian High School SEAWOLVES

Bill Rutledge
Great job Seawolves attendees and faculty and student body and family