PLank owner plaques

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PLank owner plaques

Rev. Don Poole
I recently noted the desire to provide special plaques for the plank owner members of the squadron.
Mike Dobson let me know about someone who might have actual parts to use for this project and I was hoping some of you might know other sources of actual parts that could be used to make the plaques.....
also, helpful, would be the bird ser. num and tail number and perhaps some history on that helo..... well, I will be looking for names, etc of plank owners (or families of those departed brothers) to whom these plaques could be presented......mind you, at no cost to anyone.
   Should you have sources or the like, feel free to contact me...I am on the roster.
Thanks ahead of time..   Don. Poole
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Re: PLank owner plaques

Mike Dobson
the best place for some scraps might be Pat Rogers at Wings and Rotors in Murrietta Ca
Mike Dobson (ROH)