Notified of another LIFE Member Seawolf passed away in CA

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Notified of another LIFE Member Seawolf passed away in CA

Dan Arnes
I received an email from Cindy Williams last night regarding a Facebook post that one of our Seawolves, (CDR Scott Munro) passed away on May 19, 2021, but no other info was posted.
I appreciate the email from Cindy with the info, since I am no longer on Facebook.

I searched but found no Obituary, only a Find A Grave Memorial for him made on 24 May 2021: Find A Grave Memorial for CDR William Scott Munro

Association LIFE Member William Scott MUNRO, CDR, OinC Det 5, then HA(L)-3 XO relieved by CDR William James Mulcahy, 06/27/1970 to 7/16/1971. Lived in Torrance, CA.
Has a Son named Harper Munro.


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Re: Notified of another LIFE Member Seawolf passed away in CA

kid purington
                                       ...Rest Easy SeaWolf...