New Member joins Association and prior MBR upgrades to LIFE

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New Member joins Association and prior MBR upgrades to LIFE

Dan Arnes
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The Association Welcomes:
(ASC) Dennis “Mac” P. McCLOSKEY, PH3, PacFltCombatCameraGroup, 9/1968 to 6/1971. Flew with HA(L)-3 many times for photo ops and articles and transportation to cover other missions. “Mac”’s Dad and Seawolf Joe Bouchard also grew up together and were family friends. “Mac” resides in Lolo, MT.

The Association Welcomes new LIFE Member:

(11/19/2018) – (LIFE) Seawolf Joseph C. COLBY, Jr. AMS3, Maintenance, Binh Thuy, 6/13/1971 to 3/8/1972. He and wife reside in Indianapolis, IN.