New Forum Member Restrictions are in Place

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New Forum Member Restrictions are in Place

Rick Racich

First, I have been provided access by Ed to those things that allow me make changes and explore methods to gather old posts and save them. Thanks Ed!

In addition, since we were getting clobbered with pesky spam members, I have created a step to require approval for any new member wishing to join. They will be able to set up a registration as normal, but an email will come to me prior to allowing them in. I can either approve their registration or forbid it.

All existing members should experience no difference to getting in, other than possibly having to log-in appropriately.

If anyone has an issue, please let me know immediately.

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Re: New Forum Member Restrictions are in Place

Michael La Bella (ROH)
yes i am glad,, hated the unwanted, keep up the good work brother,, all you have left is endless up
You've never lived until you almost died, for those who fight for it
freedom has a flavor the protected will never Know!