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New 10-part PBS Documentary "The Vietnam War" starts Sept 17th

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New 10-part PBS Documentary "The Vietnam War" starts Sept 17th

Dan Arnes
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Re: New 10-part PBS Documentary "The Vietnam War" starts Sept 17th

Lee Hirschel
It would be cool if "Scramble Seawolves" could get this kind of publicity . Maybe Ken Burns can help move it thru the steps to get it on air or in the theater.
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Re: New 10-part PBS Documentary "The Vietnam War" starts Sept 17th

Dan Arnes
Except that it was a ten year project! I saw the PBS Special on them making the Documentary. The went to Vietnam for a lot of it, and used Vietnam Vets to screen and give inputs to the project.

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Re: New 10-part PBS Documentary "The Vietnam War" starts Sept 17th

Howard Jacobs ROH
I have the complete series that Walter Cronkite did on the Vietnam War... it's on VHS tap and I can't get it on disc because of the copyright.
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Re: New 10-part PBS Documentary "The Vietnam War" starts Sept 17th

Jeff and Shannon Arballo
In reply to this post by Dan Arnes
I trust that you all will very excited to read the update we just posted :)!  Have a wonderful weekend!