Modex 301 Tucson IAP, AZ 1993

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Modex 301 Tucson IAP, AZ 1993

Bob Prescott
Noted at Tucson IAP, AZ in October 1993 were 16 or 17 UH-1B's in a compound including one marked "Navy" and modex 301. Was this a Seawolves aircraft. I have a scanned photo where this can be seen in the background but not a very good one. From a list of identified serials the following, at least, were Seawolves aircraft but modex unknown as per list of aircraft on this site.


Were either of these 301?

The following were in the yard but had left before my visit
62-1970 to museum at  Kingman Oct-93 with boom from 62-4605, 62-1970 was "327"
153762 last identified there in 1990 was "324"


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Re: Modex 301 Tucson IAP, AZ 1993

Mike Dobson
There was at least 1 Seawolf Aircraft in a AZ storage yard ---- I'm pretty sure it was 324 which was pulled out, to be a movie prop to be destroyed ----   when the logs were read, it was discovered that one of the (3) had a very distinctive history that couldn't be wasted in a Hollywood wreck scene -------  as I remember, this is the 324 that was TOTALLY returned to show condition ----- on the second attempt, 324 made it to Oshkosh where, as I remember, it took first place in the WAR BIRDS division. Also, I believe Mike Connally had the opportunity to crew her while at Oskosh --- Mike, could you tell us more !?