Met a SEAWOLF when traveling

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Met a SEAWOLF when traveling

Robert Goddard
On March 11 my wife and I were visiting Jamestown, VA, our first time there, and had my Seawolf hat on when another couple approached and the guy said, “you a SEAWOLF?” Yes I said, and he introduced himself and his sweet wife.  He was an AMH3 at Bing Thuy, and had a name I knew I would not forget. Tom Dooley, I kid you not.  He live in Missouri, and I encouraged him to come to our reunion.
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Re: Met a SEAWOLF when traveling

Dan Arnes
That would be (LIFE Member) Seawolf Thomas P. DULY, AMH3, Maintenance, Binh Thuy, 8/11/1971 to 3/7/1972. Wentzville, MO