Memorial Day.........again

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Memorial Day.........again

Don Poole
Blessings to all the brothers on this Memorial Day.....recalling the time spent in country, the friends lost, the matter of my father's days in the Pacific in WWII, my son's two tours in Iraq, and the many things said over the years, tugs at the heart.   Knowing that we still have MIA's, returning brothers in arms who give so much today for the sake of us saddens me when the bulk of the response to this time boils down to automobile sales, mattress sales, furniture sales and the like......with our political leaders turning it all into a political football.  Attending one of the local Memorial events struck me as the announcer gave accolades to the "greatest generation", the forgotten Korean fighters, the brave warriors of Irag, and Afganistan,  protectors of freedom who served in  Granada, Bosnia, and Somolia, and those who stand at post on the many bases, ships and embassies worldwide......and shined the light, so to say on the local heroes who fight fires, drive the ambulances and serve and protect as those brave "men in blue."   What struck me was that he passed over mentioning Nam.......I went home.
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Re: Memorial Day.........again

Mike McNaull, SW-81
Same thoughts - I miss my college buddy Cleve who earned a Silver Star the hard and was killed at Hamburger Hill, Nick my PBR Cabin mate who was killed on the canal,  Buzz Buzzell, Bill Pederson who I met on our way home on 2 Sept and he was off on R&R to see his girl friend only to hear of VC lake a few weeks later, Jack Ludwig who was later in HS-7 with me.  I also thought of Gary Calnan, Det 2 and HS-7, who died in 1982 of leukemia at age 37.  Today it crossed my mind that maybe it was agent orange.  I'm also thinking about my non-HA(L)-3 buddies Decker Miles, Paul Nelson and a Marine LCOL Marc Hohle who died in helo crashes.
And here is to my friends who are still with us today.  I know I didn't mention any gunners because luckily, the ones I know and remember all came home safely.
Remember the day!


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Re: Memorial Day.........again

Michael La Bella (ROH)
In reply to this post by Don Poole
Well you know as well as the rest of us, they ignore us and look right through us because we are a pain iin their asses,, because we call a spade a spade and hold back nothing when it comes to our sole sworn duty that we still do with pride and respect to uphold the Constitution of the United States, and the Bill of Rights with a signed check till we die.. that ass hole is lucky I wasn't there, I would have embarrassed the jerk by booing his speech .. then the feds will arrest me and throw me into solitary and forget I am there                      
You've never lived until you almost died, for those who fight for it
freedom has a flavor the protected will never Know!