Lost another Seawolf 11 December 2018

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Lost another Seawolf 11 December 2018

Dan Arnes
Just logged on to Facebook and saw a post from 17 hours ago by Michael Cotita:

Michael Cotita [obviously a family member]
17 hrs
Mikes funeral service will be Tuesday, December 11,2018 in the chapel of Patrick Jennings Funeral Home. We will receive friends at funeral home from 11:00 am to 12:30. It will be a celebration of life. Then we will have ceremony. Followed by his ashes taked to the Military Cemetery on Canton Hwy. We have to be there at 3:00. He was a proud seawolf. He got to see the movie before he passed away. He was a young man walking into war. Flying out as a man. We shared many memories together as my father was there too. God bless the men & woman who protect our country every minute of life. Mike was a proud gunner...of his seawolf helicopter. (Navy)

Searched and found obituary:

Had not heard about it until today...
Seawolf Michael Gerald COTITA, AE2, Gunner, Dets 2 & 3, 6/15/1968 to 1/7/1970 (2 tours), retired as AECS.

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Re: Lost another Seawolf 11 December 2018

Michael La Bella (ROH)
rest in peace my dear brother,, your fight is over,, now keep the coffee hot for us and a huey firing up for the final run,,, share you stories with our brothers till we all arrive.

Michael & the Kat
You've never lived until you almost died, for those who fight for it
freedom has a flavor the protected will never Know!
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Re: Lost another Seawolf 11 December 2018

kid purington
In reply to this post by Dan Arnes
                                    ...Rest in Peace Seawolf...

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Re: Lost another Seawolf 11 December 2018

Mike Dobson
So Long Mike, Ride safe, shoot straight, and keep the coffee hot ! .... RIP
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Re: Lost another Seawolf 11 December 2018

In reply to this post by Dan Arnes
Rest In Peace Seawolf