LEFT BEHIND - Seawolf of HA(L)3 DET4

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LEFT BEHIND - Seawolf of HA(L)3 DET4

Ron Ekins
This post was updated on .
I am writing for my husband.  He is one of the Seawolves of HA(L) - 3 DET 4.

Ron would very much like to connect with fellow Door Gunners and/or Pilots of DET 4.  One event in particular that he would like some closure on was during an ambush where he was left behind while getting ammo as the choppers scrambled to get air born. The worst story begins here for Ron 'survival' which he recalled a very traumatic piece of, but there is a 'blank area in his mind' as to how he was rescued.  The story relative to this incident is in the book:

Routine Patrol?
from Chronicle of War: Vietnam
Spring 1990

"While the ships were being rearmed a Vietnamese soldier noticed a wire running through the grass. LT Barnes cut the wire and traced it to a command detonated satchel explosive charge hidden in a group of fuel drums near a 10,000 gallon fuel bladder 100 yards behind the parked choppers.
Ten minutes after the discovery of the explosive charge, a mortar attack on the airfield began. Ten mortar rounds hit the airfield before all four choppers completed the scramble and were airborne. None was hit."

With much due respect and honor,
Ron's wife, Sheila
Ronald L. Ekins,
Door Gunner, AO2
Assigned to HA(L)-3 DET4
July 1967 thru July 1968

Ordinanceman/Photographer, AO2
Assigned to VP-46 Crew 3
Sept 1968 thru April 1970

Service USN: 1966-1970
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Re: LEFT BEHIND - Seawolf of HA(L)3 DET4

Steve Valentine
D4G27If this is the same guy we worked together for a little while in the AO shop at Vung Tau.  I don't remember when he went on Det.  Anyway, I wish you well whether or not you are the same guy or not..If you are not a member come on board.

   sinjcwely.  Steve
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Re: LEFT BEHIND - Seawolf of HA(L)3 DET4

Kellie West
In reply to this post by Ron Ekins
Greetings Mr. Ekins,
My name is Kellie West and I am the daughter of AMS1 James A Jones Jr. You may have known my dad as "Jonesey" or "Bullet". I know that my dad was on the particular mission mentioned in your post. Unfortunately, I cannot give you much more information. He told me he was on top of his helo and saw the person who had planted the explosive running. He called for someone to throw him his rifle but the person on the ground would not comply so the runner escaped. My Dad passed away on Veterans Day 2011. He will always be my hero. I have tried to contact those who served with him for a number of years. I have been trying to locate information concerning several incidents which should have earned him the Purple Heart. So far a few had vague memories or know the incidents by heresay. I would appreciate hearing from you. I believe I have at least one photo that has you identified. Daddy served in country from August 1967-August 1968. Kellie e-mail: Bulletsdaughter@comcast.net
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Re: LEFT BEHIND - Seawolf of HA(L)3 DET4

Ron Ekins
Ron sent you an email, Kelley
Ronald L. Ekins,
Door Gunner, AO2
Assigned to HA(L)-3 DET4
July 1967 thru July 1968

Ordinanceman/Photographer, AO2
Assigned to VP-46 Crew 3
Sept 1968 thru April 1970

Service USN: 1966-1970
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Re: LEFT BEHIND - Seawolf of HA(L)3 DET4

Ron Ekins
In reply to this post by Steve Valentine
Hi Steve, Do you have a photo?  I am not remembering the name, but I surely was there. Thank you for the greeting! I hope all is well with you also!
Ronald L. Ekins,
Door Gunner, AO2
Assigned to HA(L)-3 DET4
July 1967 thru July 1968

Ordinanceman/Photographer, AO2
Assigned to VP-46 Crew 3
Sept 1968 thru April 1970

Service USN: 1966-1970
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Re: LEFT BEHIND - Seawolf of HA(L)3 DET4

Richard Bauske
Hi Ron
I am not sure if I met you but I was transferred from Det 2 in early 1968 to Det 4. I spent time with Cookie and Jonsie.  I am afraid I was not involved in that incident but I must have met you.  
Unfortunately for most of us, the memories are fading fast and have difficult time remembering a lot of things that happened in country.
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Re: LEFT BEHIND - Seawolf of HA(L)3 DET4

Mike Louy
In reply to this post by Ron Ekins
Greetings Ron,

I joined Det. 4 in late November '67.  I live in Pensacola and know CDR. Bill Barnes very well.  I'll pass your info request to him.  I probably flew with you at least several times.  

Flew with Jonesy a lot.  Richard Bauske, art Clark and I ditched a helo on the way to Vung Tau for maintenance after the GARRETT COUNTY moved back down river after having anchored off Vinh Long during Tet '68.  By great luck we were picked up by Marv Bulson (now deceased) a couple of hours before dark.  Since Bauske was the first out of the helo, he is the captain of the SOUTH CHINA SEA SWIM CLUB.

Just spoke with the Boss, Art Clark yesterday.  He sounds good.  Doubt we will see him in Dallas due to some family medical requirements.  

Hope to see you and your wife in Dallas this September.

Thank you for your service.

Best wishes,

Mike Louy
Pensacola, FL
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Re: LEFT BEHIND - Seawolf of HA(L)3 DET4

Ron Ekins
In reply to this post by Richard Bauske
Hi Richard,
I agree, the memories are fading fast.  I do not recall your name.  I do remember most of my flight time with Alan Wilson.  I knew Jonesie and Cookie real well also, if 'Cookie' you are referring to Bill Johnson.  It is good just to hear a 'Hello' from one of the crew. Thanks for writing!
Ronald L. Ekins,
Door Gunner, AO2
Assigned to HA(L)-3 DET4
July 1967 thru July 1968

Ordinanceman/Photographer, AO2
Assigned to VP-46 Crew 3
Sept 1968 thru April 1970

Service USN: 1966-1970
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Re: LEFT BEHIND - Seawolf of HA(L)3 DET4

Ron Ekins
In reply to this post by Mike Louy
Hi Mike,

I would guess that CDR Barnes sure might remember that incident although I did fly with other pilots most every other flight. I am anxious to hear if Commander Barnes recalls picking me up after they put the air strike in on the mortar attack when I was left behind during 're-arming'.

I recall the incident when they ditched on the way to Vung Tau. I don't recall any of the other names you mentioned though. I flew mostly with Alan Wilson and the Pilot, Stewart 'Stew'.

We won't be able to attend the Reunion in Dallas.

Thank you for your Service, Mike!
Ronald L. Ekins,
Door Gunner, AO2
Assigned to HA(L)-3 DET4
July 1967 thru July 1968

Ordinanceman/Photographer, AO2
Assigned to VP-46 Crew 3
Sept 1968 thru April 1970

Service USN: 1966-1970
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Re: LEFT BEHIND - Seawolf of HA(L)3 DET4

Rod Chelius
In reply to this post by Ron Ekins