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Gary & Barb Ely
27 posts

REGISTRATIONS….. IF YOU PLAN ON ATTENDING THE REUNION AND HAVE NOT CONTACTED US… Please do this ASAP and DON’T wait till the reunion.  It is important for "final" numbers for the Banquet as well as all tours.  Please! Please! email (gleseawolfdet9@cox.) or call us (619-838-0985 / 619-838-2231) and let us know your intentions so, we can project an accurate "head count" for all our events.  This also speeds up the check-in process when we only have to collect your payment.  (Cash or Checks Only)  Thank you!!! to all that have completed your registrations!!  As always, if you know of anyone that plans on attending but, does not have a computer or does not read the website...please pass this information to them.

CIRCLE T RANCH BBQ….If you have NOT given us your name(s) please email or call us. Remember, you must be registered for the reunion to attend this event because Name Badges are required to board the motorcoaches.   Motorcoach seating is limited and we will be taking names for the last 10 seats during check-in.  First come..first served.

EMBASSY SUITES IS SOLD OUT.  If you still need a hotel room for the Reunion and want to stay at the Embassy Suites…all deadlines have passed for the Seawolf block of rooms.  Going rate is $200+ per night.

EVERYONE HAVE A SAFE TRIP....See you in a few days!!

***This list does not include Hotel Reservations  
1. Andres, John
2. Andrus, Andy
3. Armstead, Jim
4. Arnes, Dan
5. Bailes, Bill
6. Bailey, Bob
7. Balch, Butch
8. Barnes, Bud
9. Barr, Dick
10. Boone, Bobby
11. Bowen, John
12. Bradbury, Jess
13. Bryant, Jake
14. Burns, Michael
15. Butler, Frank
16. Carmichael, Jim
17. Carmody, Tim
18. Carter, Larry
19. Carter, Russ
20. Catling, Jim
21. Chaffee, Dick
22. Chase, Brian  
23. Chester, Dennis
24. Christenson, Robert
25. Clark, Ernie
26. Clark, John
27. Collins, Charles  
28. Conk, Paul
29. Conklin, Tom
30. Connelly, Mike
31. Crabtree, Dennis
32. Crull, Tom
33. Crutcher, Joe ***
34. Cummings, Red
35. Decker, Tommy
36. Delaney, RADM Family
37. Dobson, Mike
38. Dyer, Ed
39. Elder, Red
40. Ellerbee, Lenna (widow of Archie Ellerbee)
41. Ely, Gary
42. Evans, Gil
43. Falco, Mike
44. Farrar, James
45. Farrell, Jimmy  
46. Farrell, Larry
47. Fechner, Russell
48. Ferrell, Woo
49. Ferrera, Robert
50. Foster, Doug
51. Fowler, O.C.
52. Frazier, David
53. Frazier, Walt
54. Freeman, Harvey
55. Gale, Frank
56. Gana, John
57. Gasper, Jeff
58. Geist, Norm
59. Georges, Roger
60. Goddard, Bob
61. Gunderson, Dan
62. Hamel, Gary
63. Hamley, Chris
64. Harmon, Rick  ***
65. Harris, John
66. Harting, Bill
67. Hicks, Lee
68. Hicks, Robert
69. Hillis, Mervyn ***
70. Hilton, Bill
71. Hirschel, Lee
72. Hobbs, Len ***
73. Hulser, Ed
74. Hunter, David
75. Jackson, Tom
76. Jacobs, Don
77. Jacobs, Howard
78. Jasmann, Keith
79. Johnson, Charlie ***
80. Johnson, David
81. Jones, Craig
82. Joplin, Jim
83. Jordan, Dale
84. Kopriva, Ray
85. LaBarrer, Roy (Frenchy)
86. Lacaillade, Lucky
87. Lambert, Rich  
88. Leduc, George
89. Lester, Capt Walt
90. Linquist, John
91. Louy, Mike
92. Lowe, Ken
93. Madrid, Mike
94. Mann, John
95. Mann, Terry
96. Marinaccio, Anthony
97. Martin, Stephen
98. Maxwell, Wendell
99. McKay, Lud
100. McMahon, Doug
101. Medrano, Mel
102. Meunier, Ralph
103. Meussner, Rick
104. Miles, Frank
105. Miller, Everett
106. Mize, Terry
107. Moats, Dean
108. Morgan, Don
109. Morris, Charlie
110. Moss, Tom ***
111. Mueller, Bruce
112. Munger, Brian ***
113. Munro, Scott
114. Myers, Jim
115. Nelson, Gary
116. Nunes, Robert
117. Oftedahl, Steve  
118. Ortiz, Robert & Rose (KIA Family)
119. Osborn, Ken
120. Parejko, Gene
121. Pearson, Ed
122. Pellerito, Ron
123. Peterson, Pete
124. Phillips, Tom
125. Piccolo, Jim
126. Plona, Jim
127. Poindexter, Jasper
128. Prater, James
129. Proffitt, Brad
130. Proffitt, George
131. Purington, Kid
132. Quick, David
133. Refo, Ian
134. Robinson, Russell
135. Rogers, Larry
136. Roy, Lonnie
137. Russell, Dennis
138. Samel, Sam
139. Sanzo, Joe
140. Schmitt, Dr. Art
141. Schmitt, Jerry ***
142. Scott, Terry
143. Seaman, Bob
144. Seemann, Hank  
145. Sheel, Jim
146. Siedschlag, Dan
147. Sindle, Mike ***
148. Sirjane, Chris
149. Skaar, Gary
150. Skeene, Clifford
151. Smith, Mike
152. Stokes, Dan  
153. Taylor, Doug
154. Thomson, Don
155. Towner, Ron
156. Tucker, Keith
157. Underwood, Woody
158. Valdespino, George
159. Vanderford, Mike
160. Wagganer, Eddie
161. Waits, Ray
162. Walker, Jim
163. Walker, Joe
164. Waluda, Barry
165. Ward, Sam
166. Watts, Bruce
167. Weckworth, Tom
168. Wellhouser, Fred
169. Weseleskey, Wes
170. Fr Westling, Lester
171. Williamson, Jack
172. Wilson, Jack
173. Young, Roland
174. Zuhlke, Dan


If you have any questions with regards to the reunion…please contact 619.838.2231 (Gary) “or” 619.838.0985 (Barb)

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Dan Arnes
1270 posts
Wow! What a list!

I didn't see this posted on the forum before, so I thought I'd just add this important note from Gary for those who do have a computer, but no email:

To All Reunion Attendees…..FYI  (If you can pass this info to members you know that don’t have a computer…greatly appreciated!!)

For everyone flying into DFW and plans on using the “Complimentary Shuttle” to the Embassy Suites…. I have been informed by the Embassy Suites that DFW has undergone some changes and the Courtesy phone for Embassy Suites Shuttle is now located on the lower level instead of on the ”Phone Board” in “luggage claim”.  You will need to gather your luggage and proceed to the lower level and use their Courtesy Phone or call the hotel directly at (972) 724-2600.  Their van is white with a big “E” on the side.
