Invitation from Pacifica Christian High Seawolves

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Invitation from Pacifica Christian High Seawolves

Joe Crutcher
Want to pass this along  , so if you can attend the welcome mat is out. Should be a good night.
Just to remind everyone that this Sat the 17th we have been invited to an athletic event for Pacifica Seawolves. Coach Kelsey said this will also be a founders recognition night. The school would like to have as many Sewolves there as possible. I will be going and Bill Summers responded that he will also attend. This is a volleyball event apparetly with enough significance that the school is inviting us again this year.
If any of you can attend that would great. The Game begins at 7:00 pm at Culver City High School. It is right next door to Santa Monica.
The address is Culver City High School
                      44001 Elenda St.
                      Culver City Ca. 90230
                      Tel: 310-842-4200
My Daughter Shannon and Husband Jeff will also be there with us.. They are busy with our documentary but love going to these events.
The more that can go the merrier it will be. If you need to call me , feel free to do so. 858-524-9917 (Cell)
Please pass the word to others for me please. I do not have many email addresses.
Thanks Seawolves and hope to see you there,