Hello Seawolves!
**Dan Arnes was kind enough to send this email update to all of you this afternoon. Thank you Dan! I wanted take a moment to also post the update on the forum. **
We wanted to reach out today to share the developments on Scramble the Seawolves and to ask for your support .
As we shared with you in Savannah, we were extremely optimistic and excited about the possibility of Scramble the Seawolves being picked up by a Network as a 4-part series. At the very least, we had Producers committed to producing the 2-hour Documentary. A couple of weeks ago we were asked to provide on update on the progress for the Wolfgram, which you’ve likely received.
Unfortunately, our update today comes with a slightly heavy heart. Shannon and I had to make a very difficult decision and that was to sever our contracts with our 3 Producers. There were decisions and revisions being made by the Producers without our approval and we ultimately felt that these decisions and changes were compromising the integrity of the project and we simply could not allow that to happen. We worked tirelessly, doing our part through the pitch process, yet agreements by others weren't being honored and their motivation seemed to be more driven by money, not necessarily what was best for the project. We chose to close this door and cancel our contracts as we knew it was in the best interest of the Seawolves.
Clearly, these developments we have shared took place after we gave our updates for the Wolfgram.
We have never taken for granted the trust that you all have placed in us and we remember the promise that we made to each of you. We assured you that we would care for and protect your story and tell it with tact and authenticity. This commitment has remained at the center of every decision we have made.
It may seem that this as a major set-back or an impossible task ahead. Sometimes believing that things happen for a reason, even though we don't understand why at the time, is difficult. The Seawolf spirit, brotherhood, sacrifice, accomplishments, tenacity and resolve continues to motivated us and WE WILL accomplish this mission!
The second reason for our email update is to let you know our plan as we move forward and to ask for your help.
We have contacts at several Networks and intend to revise the sizzle reel and pitch deck and will re-pitch directly. Likely this will take some time as we go through this process. We intend to focus our energy on getting our project in the hands of key decision makers at major Networks and in the hands of a production company that has successfully developed, pitched and produced Documentaries with similar subject matter.
It is possible that we may also produce it on our own. In that case we will need the resources to put the right Team together.
We simply can not get to the next stage without generating funding and support, quickly. Many of you have already contributed to the project and for that, we say THANK YOU!
Every facet of the production process, including working with Producers, Lawyers, editing, sizzle reel, pitch deck, etc is time consuming and costly. We do need to generate contributions quickly so that we have the time we need.
We are hoping to raise approx $15K, which will give us about 4-5 months to work with.
We intend to launch another Indigogo Campaign (in the next few weeks), that that only lasts for 60 days. The challenge, however, is that the funding is only accessible to us approx 30 days after the campaign closes. Unfortunately, we do have a more immediate need.
If you would like to make a contribution there are a few ways that this can be done that do not involve the Indigogo Campaign.
1. PAYPAL - For information, visit
https://www.paypal.com/ to send money to the Account: shannont@hotmail.com
*After signing up, you must add a payment method (favorite banks, debit cards, or credit cards) to complete a send money transaction. Funds go right into the recipient’s PayPal account.
2. Regular MAIL: Arballo Entertainment: 1296 Avenida Fragata, San Marcos, CA 92069-7370
"Scramble The Seawolves" Documentary Trailer (04:06) link:
https://vimeo.com/139287888Thank you in advance for your understanding and consideration! As always, we welcome the phone calls and are happy to answer any questions you have.
Jeff and Shannon Arballo
(760) 809-4558