Illinois disabled veterans

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Illinois disabled veterans

Paul Albertine
for those of you who have a VA disability rating and live in Illinois the property tax rules here have changed...albeit they have not done a very good job of communicating it...  for tax year 2015, a 30% rating will get a $2,500 exemption, 30% to 70% a $5,000 exemption, and over 70% will be exempt from paying property taxes...   your county should have the forms available by Jan 27th and you have till March 2 to file the paperwork... I process a lot of taxes for people this time of the year and just ran across this info, I actually called several city offices, state VA folks etc and got the same answers from all...

hope this helps some, don't know every seawolf in Ill, please pass the word along at your local VA, corner tap, etc...

Hunker down DC, this will be one for the records...