Well I got my first OBUMMER CARE IRS form from the VA... they are checking to see if I have health care coverage last year.
has absolutely nothing to do with Ocare, the VA checks every year to determine who has, and doesn't have health care...if you have healthcare insurance, and are not 100% disabled they will bill your insurance for non-service connected health care...gotta pay the bills, the VA here asks that question every time you check into an appointment...drop your card in the slot, enter your last 4, name and if you have health insurance...totally self service
oddly enough, currently the VA doesn't consider Medicare to be 'billable', but if you have continuing coverage from an insurance co, from retirement, spouse etc. and are using the care at the VA...your health insurance must pay....been that way since the Bush admin started the 'tiered' car at the VA...
the VA provides some of the best coverage in the country...here in Chicago the doctors are residents of 2 of the best hospitals Northwestern, and Rush...can't do much better, hopefully everyone has access to such professional people...
and everyone is going to have a great year...
Paul, yes it does have something to do with Obuttheadcare. My notification was about if I was covered and notification to the IRS. If I wasn't covered my penalties from the IRS would be steeper. Since I am covered the IRS may in the future use it to give my coverage a value to add it to my taxable income. My notification was totally about the IRS, me and the percentage of VA coverage I have.
Paul.... it says it right in the letter about bummer care.... I took the form as a piece of paper that said I have health coverage. And it's my first one since I've been covered with the VA. They gave you time to get covered.. and if you didn't.... it's time to pay the tax.
Got mine too. To not get fined for not having health coverage, you need to fill out the form. The Medicare issue is interesting. For years, the VSOs have sought to give VA the authority to bill Medicare for those who are eligible. The argument against such authority is that VA is already paid via its appropriation to treat vets so billing Medicare would be paying VA twice for the same care.
Happy and Merry to all.
..So am I reading this correct.?...The VA sent you a form Howard, asking if you have health insurance coverage besides from the VA.?
...I have not received said form myself. I am and have been since 1996 Total & Permanent thru the VA whatchamahcallit system...And I also was told by a health insurance company bak in 95 that I was uninsurable , thus the VA is all I ever use...And yes Paul..I see the Medicare question when checking into my appointments, I just answer, no...Well, that's my story, now I'll wait and see if The VA sends me said O-care IRS whatever form and totally be confused, as is the norm for meself...Thanks brothers for your post.
I think I received something like that as well, but if you read it closely, it was one of those realistic "Medicare" looking ads from some company trying to get you to sign up through them. At least mine was. I'm starting to get thousands (it seems) since I'm turning 65 this year!
Kid.... The VA sent me the IRs 1095-B Health Coverage form already filled out. The info entered on the form is just my address.. the VA as my coverage provider and that I had coverage for the past year. I'm total and permanent also and this is the first one I've ever gotten. I just have to include it with my income tax return.
The letter from the VA that is included states in the first paragraph..."Beginning 2016, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to notify enrolled Veterans of their period of health care coverage during the previous calendar year. The law also requires VA to provide this information to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
Dan... it's not an ad to get you to sign up... I get those and don't even read them... just tear them up and dump in the trash.
..Well Howard, I received the letter and 1095-B form yesterday, (wouldn't yah know, just start talk'n about it and WHAP)...A BIG thanks to you and the other wolf's who shared their comments, I did not panic, well maybe a little...Just the same after reading thru the letter and study'n the form, diagram , I figure I am one who satisfies the ACA's health care coverage requirement, another milestone, perhaps...Now it appears I just gotta follow the applicable instructions for completing (my) Health Care Individual Responsibility IRS tax return form check off box...wonderful.! I'm pretty darn good at checking boxes... And I agree with Paul...."Good new year y'll .... at least for sum, Stubby/stumbles, fell down on the ice and blew out a knee... just can't dance like he once did, i reckon..."Best to yah Gene"...d-kid..
Just talked with VA--if you are 100%/pay no taxes you do not have to do anything and to disregard all future letters
I got it too, but it was from social security, not the VA.
ain't dancing on one wheel. getting better the swelling is down and am getting around with aid of a cane. gotta go to Cabelas soon getting a new scope for Elk rifle.