How's everyone doing

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How's everyone doing

Tom Materene here, haven't talked with any of you for a long time.  I don't post on facebook any longer actually over a year of being free of the habit.  Just thought I would say hello and hope everyone is doing well.  Here is an album I stored online and if you want you should be able to download from there any images you want.  I still have more but for now these are all I moved up.  I haven't made any for two years and most of the time I don't feel real great and seem to be slowing down a lot now.  I will get the others and put them up for you.  A special shout out to Chief Ruteye and Pat and Doug Taylor.  My younger brother passed away on Mothers day Last year and just a couple days prior my ex wife that I loved so much also died.  Now this Mothers Day after my old deaf dog had to be put to sleep.  May has been a terrible month for a while now.  I had planned on packing up and moving soon as my old dog was gone but really there isn't anything left in Houston, no relatives left there and my two sisters and my Mother all live in Vegas and Los Angeles.  I hope to make one last road trip to Vegas and see my Mother one last time before one of us is gone and at the same time swing up to Pahrump and see a few friends while they are still living, most have died there in Pahrump since I left in 2005 and came back to Houston for 3 years then back to La.  I need to do some maintenance on the old 38 year old Truck and have started stock piling the parts to do that.  Now a days you have to take out a bank loan to do anything to a vehicle even if your doing it yourself.  Once I get it in shape I will finally make up my mind if it's time for me to leave here and go home for good.  I have no one here now except for two cousins and that's it, even my good friend that had bought my old house 4 miles down the highway, he died last year before Christmas and then his wife died 6 months later, I had one close cousin that died before last Christmas and several new friends here where I am living had passed away.  I think it is time for me to pack my gear and get out while I am still able and even if it does take longer for me I would be much better off  north of Houston where I can get some good healthcare.  I do know a few pilots there in and around Houston but if I don't get moved pretty soon they will be gone too.  You guys take care and I'll keep posting more often, good to see so many still a tight unit as always.  I'll post more of the images as I find them
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Re: How's everyone doing

Jim Young
Tom, Was just thinking of you the other day. Was wondering how you were doing glad to hear that you are still with us. Sorry for your loses the last few months and years. Hoping the best to you in your up coming journeys. Jim Young
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Re: How's everyone doing

Thank you Jim and glad to hear from you.