How True is this?

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How True is this?

John Cook
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Re: How True is this?

Bill Rutledge ROH
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Re: How True is this?

David Smale
In reply to this post by John Cook
Great Photo and post-- as owner of the business I founded every day I employ skills i learned in the Seawolves. But the lead wolf is not getting anywhere if the wolf pack is not right behind because they want to be.  A lead wolf without a pack is A DEAD LEAD WOLF.  when I was a young Seawolf I had some great lead wolves who I was happy to follow anywhere. And kudos for being the 2nd to master uploading a pic!
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Re: How True is this?

kid purington
In reply to this post by John Cook knew how to do this all along.?    it was pretty close to mission impossible for myself i guess i shall have to, buy you a drink in Dallas...alpha dog.....

...Enjoyed picture John, & agree with David, darn forgot what he said already, but i'm with him...ok Dave you get a drink too....this is gett'n way outta hand/paw....i drift'n back into the pac...will be good to see yah'll down in Texas...don't expect any recall of what i say here.....yip yip howl..