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Homecoming Pacifica High School 1-12-2019

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Homecoming Pacifica High School 1-12-2019

Joe Crutcher
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Joe Crutcher Seawolves, I just wanted to take a moment to post a quick reminder that Pacifica High School homecoming is Saturday 12 January 2019. Not to far off. This will be our 6th homecoming event with the school. We certainly have a blessed relationship with them and every year it seems as though our time with them becomes more memorable. The school would like this years homecoming to be the largest we have ever had. So if there is any way you can attend I am quite sure this also will be one to remember. The school is providing a luncheon again for us and to top off the luncheon the school is showing our documentary " Scramble the Seawolves ". This gives everyone there an opportunity to learn all about us and our mission. I am sure this is going to be a great day for all of us. The school is totally excited and is looking forward to having as many Seawolves and families there as possible. I you would like to attend , come on , the more the merrier as the old saying goes. You may let me know by email ( jdakota@san.rr.com) or cell 858-524-9917. Also you may call Jack Watkinson from Pacifica at cell 310-625-8467. Luncheon is from 11:00 am till 1:00 pm. ( documentary will be shown during this time ) Afternoon soccer games and Varsity homecoming game at 7:00 pm. Seawolves will be brought down, introduced and recognized at center court during the homecoming game. What a feeling that is for everyone. We realize this makes for a long day , but the time seems to pass pretty quick and if you can come for lunch and a visit but can't stay the entire day, feel free to leave as you need too. We would love to have you attend with us , even for part of the day !! The address is Pacifica Christian High School , 1730 Wilshire Blvd. Santa Monica Ca. 90403. Hope to see you there !! Joe Crutcder