don, I know where you are coming from brother, I have my own dragons, cept they have driven me into seclusion more or less, the Kat intervenes and makes me move on but the monsters are still there, night and day, I have a fantastic doctor, she knows me in and out, and I can get ahold of her any time, Fallon clinic tried to get me to stop going to Reno for my doc, instead they wanted me to do a teleprompter thing over the internet with some strange doctor, I know they all mean well, but,, I told them, "you want me to talk to a monitor,? and what if I just let it go and rip the monitor off the wall? no I will keep my Reno doctor and pay my gas to and from. yup the va said no more mileage since the treatment is offered local,, I said okee dokee, been payin my own way for the last 40 years, I can keep on no biggeee, I love my doctor, and you listen to them real close don, and stay up on your meds,,, you are in good hands. and you have all these brothers and sisters out here holding you up, take time and heal good :)
You've never lived until you almost died, for those who fight for it
freedom has a flavor the protected will never Know!