Heads up on SPAM Emails

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Heads up on SPAM Emails

Dan Arnes
Art Clark just called to let me know he had received 2 emails from me with "Re:" in the Subject line.

He deleted them, but said there were several other "C" addressees on the email.

I do not send out emails with just Re: in Subject line. Even if I am replying to an email without a Subject Line, I always try to add it before sending....

FYI: I mentioned to Art that if he gets any more suspicious emails from anyone, to run the cursor over the senders email address (don't actually click on it) and hold it for a second or two, and it will show you who the true sender is. It may have someone's name that you know, but it will have a different email address, usually with a .uk or something on the end of it...

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Re: Heads up on SPAM Emails

Jim Joyce
Thanks for the info Dan, did not know that about sender address.