Gov Gov. Jindal just announced clemency actions and pardons as he leaves office

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Gov Gov. Jindal just announced clemency actions and pardons as he leaves office

Mike Suldo SW10
Didn't see the name I was looking for !

2016 clemency action

Pardons for people no longer in state custody:

Richard Cox
Simple Burglary
William S. Elkins
Distribution of Marijuana, Distribution of Detropropoxyphene
Michael Busceme
Simple Burglary
Jeremy Myers
Possession of Stolen Property
Michael Permenter
Aggravated Battery
Winfred Amos
Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle
Amber Clark Hastings aka Amber Clark Waites
Possession of Hydrocodone, Possession of Methamphetamines, Possession or Obtaining CDS by Fraud, Forgery, Conspire to Distribute Oxycodone, Conspire to Distribute Alprazolam
Brandon Folse
Possession with Intent to Distribute Cocaine, Distribution of Cocaine
Joseph R. Wilson
Distribution of Marijuana
Walter W. Beedle
Simple Burglary
Jason T. Lupo
Conspiracy to Distribute Schedule I Controlled Dangerous Substance, LSD
William S. Minor
Possession of Demerol
Suzanne P. Bailey
Attempted Distribution of Marijuana
Thomas L. Griffin
Possession with Intent to Distribute Marijuana and Manufacture/Growth of Marijuana, Possession of Cocaine, Manufacture/Growth of Marijuana, Possession with Intent to Distribute Cocaine
Warren B. Bernard
Attempted Distribution of Marijuana
Edward Broussard
Possession of Schedule I
Darrell Paulk
Possession of Cocaine
Raymond Saldivar
Accessory After the Fact Possession of Marijuana
Leonard Veal
Distribution of Cocaine
Commutation of Sentence for Prisoner in Custody:

Harrison Cage
2nd Degree Murder, Attempted Possession of Cocaine
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Re: Gov Gov. Jindal just announced clemency actions and pardons as he leaves office

Mike Suldo SW10
Cage was the Governors butler for the last few years in his mansion - politics as usual

In the final week of his administration, Gov. Bobby Jindal granted pardons to 21 offenders, bringing the total number of people to receive clemency in his two four-year terms to 83.

Jindal gave pardons to 20 people in 2009, his previous high for any one year. He did not grant clemency to anyone in 2015.

Those numbers are far lower than his predecessors. Former Gov. Kathleen Blanco granted clemency to 285 offenders in her four years in office, and former Gov. Mike Foster issued pardons to 455 people in his eight years.
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Re: Gov Gov. Jindal just announced clemency actions and pardons as he leaves office

David Smale
Thanks Mike. I have also seen the list and I have reached out to his attorney to see where things stand. I will advise supports by email. I will not be posting here because of past issues on this subject.