Gene; SoLuTion.!!

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Gene; SoLuTion.!!

kid purington
..i see RED Cummings posted "PATCH" i ask you..can a more NoBLe mAn be found.? "i think not.!" Sooo i "RespectFullee REquEst you SEnD "THe PAtcH"..youknow..To HIm....humblee Me.....WhEw.!!
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Re: Gene; SoLuTion.!!

Gene sjoberg
   KID,with a little resourceful use of said paper work there should be as many patches as requested..
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Re: Gene; SoLuTion.!!

kid purington
..Just salty-ass dog great you have a degree in chinese arithmatic?.... please refer to earlier post, by me, under your other post, by you, where this all began....i'll be gett'n on the train outta town pretty quik.... deedee maou'n.........................toot-toot!! crack me up.!!
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Re: Gene; SoLuTion.!!

Gene sjoberg
   Now that I am fully retarded(no working for pay) I really enjoy what I don't do.  Enjoy your trip. To save half your travel expenses, Don't come back!! Just joshing.  I'll be in Eugene the end of the month for a Sportsmans Show, maybe we can have lunch or sometin..
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Re: Gene; SoLuTion.!!

kid purington
...7940-655-145...NOTE to Gene..(.i secretly wrote my cell-phone number backwards,..don't tell ANyOne!)...yup,..pretty tricky huh...give me a call.
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Re: Gene; SoLuTion.!!

Gene sjoberg
   After several attempts to decipher your code.  I found my "Super secret Green Hornet Spy and Decoder Ring." After that it became clear that everything is BassAcwards.  Now I tink I will try calling the number I deciphered.
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Re: Gene; SoLuTion.!!

kid purington
...sorry to have missed your call Gene,.... i shall attempt a hollar back to you...have to work on truck first and that really does not have any thing to do with nothing here just thought you would like to know....