Found more Seawolves

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Found more Seawolves

Dan Arnes
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**00** Wife of a Seawolf found us and ordered Merchandise. I gave her a call because I was looking for a Seawolf with the same Last Name. Turned out to be wife of Seawolf Vaughn P. MERCIER, AMS3, Gunner, Det unknown (until I actually talk to him), 12/16/1970 to 12/5/1971. Also attached to HC-7. Turns out I had a good address for him in Grass Lake, MI, but the phone# was always disconnected. Found out they are “Snowbird’s” and now have cell phones! Travel in their RV all around the SouthEast, but mailing address is now in Crestview, FL. Merchandise order was Christmas present so I wasn’t able to try calling him until after Dec 26th. So far have not gotten a call back from my Voice Mails left.



**02** Found and spoke with Sister of Seawolf Robert P. COUSART, AE3, Maintenance, Vung Tau, 3/29/1968 to 3/21/1969. Sister in South Dakota confirmed he was in Navy Helo squadron in Vietnam, took my info to give to him to call back. Confirmed that he lived in Yakima, WA, but I could never find a good phone#. She said he works late, might call this weekend. ***Bob called me Sunday 1/17, had a good talk, sent him all the stuff.***



**03** Found and spoke with Son of Seawolf Romeo C. CASUGA, SD3, Administration, Binh Thuy, 2/1/1970 to 1/28/1971. Son said he wasn’t home, would be home later tonight, took my info for him to call back probably tomorrow. Confirmed with Son that he was in HA(L)-3 1970-1971, said he retired as MSC. Found him in Charleston, SC.

Of 2,555 confirmed Seawolf names, 284 Navy Seawolves now remaining to be found, which includes 25 Plank Owners.
Sadly, we have 563 confirmed DAT (Died After Tour), (22.04%).

Also looking for 5 prior Association Members we’ve lost contact with:
Homer Tipton; Franklin Gregory; Ramsey Hawley; Charles Russell; Donald Wilson
and 20 known Army Sea Wolves

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Re: Found more Seawolves

Michael La Bella (ROH)
Hey Dan, have you ever located ADJ 3 La Bella yet, he appears to be hard to find.. i been looking for him for quite some time. no joy. let me know when you do,, he is really off his rocker,,,    
You've never lived until you almost died, for those who fight for it
freedom has a flavor the protected will never Know!
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Re: Found more Seawolves

kid purington
In reply to this post by Dan Arnes
                      ...Bravo Zulu Dan...hears to you my friend.!!...Outstanding job you do Seawolf.!!