Found another Seawolf in Maine

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Found another Seawolf in Maine

Dan Arnes

**04** Found and spoke with Seawolf William E. VANDERHOFF II, AK3, Maintenance, Vung Tau, 2/16/1968 to 1/28/1969. I had called a number back in May, but couldn’t get a call back.
Tried again twice this morning and he picked up 2nd time. Said he had orders to VP-26 @ Brunswick, ME after HA(L)-3, ended up going to HT-8 instead, got out, came back in the Navy 10 years later to fly in P-3’s, retired as AWC with 20 years. Found him in New Sharon, ME.

**00** Found Darryl Joseph BUCKLEY, PNSA, Administrative, was supposed to report 1 May 1969, Failed to report, was declared a Deserter on 24 July 1969, UA since 24 April 1969. Show him living in Cheyenne, WY.

**00** Found John Charles FLETCHER, AK2, Maintenance, was supposed to report 31 Aug 1969, Failed to report, was declared a Deserter on 29 Sept 1969, UA since 25 June 1969. Passed away 15 May 2002.

Not showing these two as “Found” Seawolves, and since they never reported, I removed them as a Seawolves, and updated all confirmed Seawolves.
This changes the total number of Seawolves from 2,552 to 2,555 now, making the Seawolves "remaining to be found" number, and the "% of DAT"  below, slightly affected.

Of 2,555 confirmed Seawolf names, 287 Navy Seawolves still remain to be found, which includes 25 Plank Owners.
Sadly, we have 561 confirmed DAT (Died After Tour), (21.96%).
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Re: Found another Seawolf in Maine

Jim Joyce
After you find the remaining 287 what will you do to occupy your time?
Seriously, you have done an incredible job for the organization and for each of us. Without a doubt, far more than any or a group of us could ever have done. Have a Happy New Year and the very best to you in 2016.
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Re: Found another Seawolf in Maine

Dan Arnes
This post was updated on .
Thank You Jim,

I still have plenty to accomplish once my priority of finding our guys has dwindled.
I have multiple projects to complete; ensuring all our DAT Find A Grave memorials and Together We Served Shadowboxes are completed;
documentation and verification of all our BuNo's (193 documented so far); Flight Hour totals; Det Locations (along with Tom Phillips' help);
"tweaking" reports, and a chronological history of the squadron. Some of these I can work on at the same time.
Example of a "tweaked" report below showing everyone who was "physically" onboard on the day the Squadron "Established" on April 1, 1967:

I have to work on other things to lower my frustration level occasionally...

***And don't forget, the monumental task of updates to changes of address and email addresses!
