Found another Seawolf 6/18/14

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Found another Seawolf 6/18/14

Dan Arnes

**02** Found and spoke with Seawolf Ted J. GORCZYCA, Jr., AMSAN, Maintenance, Binh Thuy, 6/19/1971 to 3/8/1972. Had found him at several addresses but no phone#, finally talked to a guy in NH that knew him and said he was a photography nut. Googled and found a website he was a member of and messaged him June 2012. Never heard anything, messaged again 6/16/14, and he emailed me back this morning. Called and talked to him, he’s living in Ft. Pierce, FL and trying to find help to fix the helo at the Seal Museum and donations of items for a HA(L)-3 display in the main hallway at the Museum.

If anyone has some items to donate or lives nearby to help fix the helo, see the separate posting for SEAL Museum at Ft. Pierce for info.

~~~426 Seawolves still to be found, including 34 Plank Owners and Original Army Sea Wolves.
