Found another Seawolf 10/13/2018 (DAT)

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Found another Seawolf 10/13/2018 (DAT)

Dan Arnes
This post was updated on .

**02** Spoke with Sister-in-Law of Seawolf Darrell Gene Crittenden, PNSN, Admin, 2/1/1972 to 3/16/1872. She said he died in an auto accident.
Obituary says he passed away 28 Sept 2018, Darrell lived in Edmond, OK.

Of our 2,556 confirmed Seawolf names, 206 Seawolves now remaining to be found, which includes 15 Enlisted Plank Owners.
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Re: Found another Seawolf 10/13/2018 (DAT)

kid purington
                                  ...RIP Seawolf...