Found another Lost Seawolf DAT in CA

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Found another Lost Seawolf DAT in CA

Dan Arnes
Found another Lost Seawolf DAT.

Seawolf Richard Emerson CRAWFORD, Jr., AT2, Maintenance, Binh Thuy, 07/13/1971 to 03/1/1972.
Found that he had passed away on Christmas Day 1974, two years after he left us. He had served 10 years, still on active duty when he passed away.
He was cremated, and ashes spread by Navy helicopter in Pacific Ocean.
I was finally able to find a Step Brother in Tyler, TX yesterday, who returned my message this morning that I left yesterday on his cell,
and confirmed it was him and the very sad story of his passing.

Find A Grave - Richard Emerson Crawford

126 Seawolves still left to find

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Re: Found another Lost Seawolf DAT in CA

kid purington
                                 ... Rest in Peace SeaWolf ...