**01** Found DAT Seawolf Richard Leroy RAINWATER, AMS1, Maintenance, Binh Thuy, 12/8/1969 to 7/1/1971. Finally able to confirm with a distant relative on Ancestry.com that he was the correct one that I had found. Have not found burial information yet, relative believed it was in Muskegon, MI, but unable to find out which cemetery or possible cremation.
Find A Grave MemorialTWS Shadowbox~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
**02** Found DAT Seawolf Steven Coleman WALKER, AO3, Gunner, Det 2, 4/11/1971 to 3/5/1972. Seawolf Bill Newcomb had just posted some of Steven’s awards photos, etc on Facebook that some friends in England had posted, and I looked to see if I had contact with Steven to find out how his stuff, or photos of his stuff made it to England. I found that he used to be an Association Member back in 2002 but placed Inactive in 2006, so I did some searching and just found that he had moved from Albertville, AL to Huntsville, TX and passed away in 2009! We were not aware of it.
Find A Grave MemorialTWS ShadowboxPhotos Bill had posted:

Of 2,555 confirmed Seawolf names,
281 Navy Seawolves now remaining to be found, which includes 24 Plank Owners.
Sadly, we have
567 confirmed DAT (Died After Tour), (22.19%).
Also looking for 5 prior Association Members we’ve lost contact with:
Homer E. Tipton; Franklin G. Gregory; Ramsey M. Hawley; Charles V. Russell; Donald C. Wilson ,
and possibly more now.