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Gene sjoberg
   Called Bob Eggleston on monday as he seemed to have dropped pff the radar.  He was fine said he has been riding his Goldwing all over Washington state.  If he shows up in Dallas it will be on the bike. I have known Bob since I was in the 2nd grade in Elmer City.WA  circa 1943.
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Re: Eggleston

Rod Chelius
Glad Egg is OK, I was just about ready to give him a call.
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Re: Eggleston

Dan Arnes
In reply to this post by Gene sjoberg
That Bob gets around up there in Washington!
He called me a couple of years ago about some Seawolf Det guys and while we were talking I mentioned I was also looking for NAS Whidbey SAR guys and he said he was there in 1963 and flew the HOS4 a version of H-19 ( and later flew the HU-16 Albatross ( and the H-34.
