Dr. Visit

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Dr. Visit

Jim Swart

A Muslim immigrant goes to a Doctor in  Houston, Texas   and says
"I feel terrible".
The Doctor examines him and then says "You need to pee and crap in a
bucket for a week, Throw in a dead fish and a rotting cabbage. Put a
towel over your head hold your face over the bucket and inhale the
vapors for 3 days".
The man does this and goes back to the Doctor and says "I feel
wonderful!!  What was wrong with me?"
"You were homesick".
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Re: Dr. Visit

kid purington
...Jim,, i have told this "joke" (which i very much enjoy'd)...you posted, to all 3 of my friends,, and others that were their friends,,suspicious characters if you ask myself....They are still laughing...so i'll have to keep an eye out now,,i suspect a muslim critter shall attempt an attack a'gin myself...i figure if i holler "Chief" loudly sum P-O injun's..(could be Dan S.)...will attack the SoB...i will be sure to pass on your joke for "many Moons"...crap,,can i say that or do them own the moon too.??

Tanks Jim,,mucho el educational,,,Yah Ta-Hey...kid (member of the Turtle tribe)..yesirE-Bob...dang Proud 2.