Dorothy Schafernocker "Momma" Celebration Of Life Memorial

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Dorothy Schafernocker "Momma" Celebration Of Life Memorial

Linda Peterson Combs
Hello Seawolf family,

I have the "Dorothy Schafernocker "Momma's" Clebration of Life Memorial set for Saturday, April 8, 2017.

Location will be: Dallas Fair Park Texas Veterans Wall and Memorial.

Rumors of a large crowd, makes this beautiful location the perfect spot. I know Aunt Dorothy will be so Proud and saying "What did "I DO" to deserve all this?" ....... "I'm just an Old Broad!"

Time will be determined when I see arrival times. Hopefully around lunch time or shortly after.

I will start a list of those attending, so, I can work on food and hotel accomdations.

We all look forward to seeing those who can come and celebrate with our family. More info will be posted as I get things finalized.

Thank you and love to all.

Linda, Larry, LJ,
Ron, Lisa & Bruce, David and Tessa